
Wyświetlanie postów z 2016

my story

Finaly I translated :) My story The main reason why I started  to look what’s wrong with me was my headaches, because it was the worst symptome I had since the early childhood… My pediatrist said, that in his report is written I have headaches since 1999 (Exactly was written, 1999 - Ewa has headaches for a long time).  I was born in 4th of January 1993, 10/10 in Apgar scale, everything was perfect, I was completly healthy child. My mom gave birth exactly in term, even doctor was schocked! Tearetically everything was perfect. Teoretically, When I was half year old I stopped eating milk from my mom and started to eat normally, but that time I started to vomit, have diarrhea and  I very fast get dehydratated so I was taken to the hospital. When I was a child it wasn’t like it is now… My mom couldn’t come to stay with me, I was tied to the bed to not to walk out of it and it was very cold (till now I’m affraid of cold, I don’t even know if that has a medical ...